Full Time Developer, Part Time Furry -- (he/they)

Twitter @ZachyDevs
Telegram @ZachyFoxx
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Discord Zachery#0001
Email [email protected]
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CAUTION! If you're a furry or otherwise in a non-professional setting, you are about to stumble upon my professional page, which is boring and has nothing of interest.

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I have more art than I can fit in this tiny space, so please click here to be redirected to the website that contains all of my art. I do have enough space to fit my reference sheet, so here it is, nothing special...

Hello! My name is Zachery, and I'm a 19 year old backend developer from Texas who so happens to be part of the furry fandom. If you're looking at this, odds are you already know me, if not, I'm a professional dork.

I love everything from computers to music to medicine, so much that I aspire to be a full time developer while being a volunteer EMT in my local area. I spend most of my time either playing games or working on one of my many, many projects. You may find me playing a lot of TF2, Minecraft, or CS:GO. Those are my favorite games :3c

All of the technologies I am familiar with and use on a daily basis.